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Body protections


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What are the essentials for BMX protection riding bikes?

Knee pads:
Knee pads are protective gear that is worn on the knee to protect them against impact injury from falling to the ground and provide you with more comfortable kneeling. Athletes use knee pads for indoor and outdoor sports. Knee pads are typically made from durable materials like foam, rubber, gel, or a combination of these materials.

Wrist bands:
A wrist band serve both practical and functional purposes for athletes and individuals engaging in various sports and fitness activities. Here are some common types of sport wristbands:

Sweatbands: Sweatbands are designed to absorb sweat and moisture from the skin during physical exertion. They help keep the wearer´s hands, wrists, and forearms dry, which can improve grip and prevent sweat from dripping onto equipment or affecting performance. Sweatbands are often made from absorbent materials like terry cloth or moisture wicking fabrics.
Compression wristbands: Some athletes and individuals wear wristbands with compression properties to provide support to the wrist joint and help reduce the risk of strain or injury. These wristbands are commonly used in sports like tennis and basketball.
Knee gaskets and elbow pads are protective gear worn by athletes and individuals engaged in various sports and activities to provide support, cushioning, and protection to the knees and elbows, respectively. They are commonly used in sports that involve impact, repetitive motion, or the risk of falls or collisions. Here´s a closer look at each of these protective gear items:

Knee gaskets:
Knee gaskets are neoprene or fabric sleeves that are designed to fit snugly over the knee joint.
They are typically used by athletes in sports such as skateboarding, rollerblading, BMX biking, motocross, and wrestling, where there is a risk of falling or impacting the knees on hard surfaces.
Knee gaskets provide several benefits, including:

Compression: They offer compression and support to the knee joint, which can help reduce the risk of strains or injuries.
Cushioning: The padding or cushioning in knee gaskets helps absorb shock and impact, reducing the stress on the knees during high impact activities.
Stability: They can help stabilize the knee joint and may be used by individuals with existing knee injuries or conditions.
Knee gaskets are typically worn under clothing and can be secured in place with straps or elastic bands.

Elbow pads:
Elbow pads are protective gear designed to fit over the elbows, providing cushioning and protection in sports and activities that involve falls, impacts, or contact. You can buy elbow pads from Powerslide, Roces, Krf, Rollerblade, and Impala Rollers.
They are commonly used in sports such as skateboarding, roller skating, inline skating, biking, skateboarding. Key features of elbow pads include:

Hard shell: Many elbow pads have a hard plastic or reinforced shell that absorbs and distributes impact forces to reduce the risk of injury to the elbow joint and surrounding areas.
Padding: The padding inside the elbow pad helps cushion impacts and provides added protection.
Adjustable straps: Elbow pads often have adjustable straps or closures to secure them in place during movement.
Elbow pads are typically worn on the outside of clothing, such as jerseys or jackets, and are secured using straps or elastic bands.
Both knee gaskets and elbow pads are essential protective gear for athletes and individuals participating in sports or activities that carry a risk of injury to these joints. They are designed to minimize the impact of falls or collisions, reduce the risk of abrasions and contusions, and provide support to the joints, enhancing safety and comfort during physical activities.
